Dental Teeth Contouring Specialist in Dallas, TX
At Beyond Dental & Implant Center, we can help you achieve the smile your desire with our teeth contouring treatment! Contact us today for more information or schedule an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 13655 Preston Rd Suite 100 Dallas, TX 75240.
Table of Contents:
What is dental contouring?
Do orthodontists contour teeth?
What are the benefits of tooth contouring?
Is tooth contouring permanent?
The field of dentistry is complicated and vast; it encompasses treatments from tooth whitening to tooth extractions and everything in between. Dentistry is a continuously evolving field, and with new techniques and technologies, the industry has expanded even further. One of the most recent branches of dentistry to evolve is cosmetic dentistry, with treatments such as tooth contouring. Tooth contouring can help achieve a more even appearance to the teeth without any need for follow-up treatments.
Dental contouring is a cosmetic dentistry procedure that uses certain techniques to reshape the teeth; it is a cutting-edge method of tooth reshaping that offers a variety of benefits. As the name suggests, it involves altering the shape of the teeth in order to improve their appearance. It can be used to correct minor defects such as chips and discoloration, but it can also be used to improve the shape and size of teeth for a more aesthetic result. Dental contouring can be used to make teeth appear shorter or more even, to correct the position of a tooth, to close gaps, and much more. The goal of contouring is to improve the appearance of a person’s smile, which can have a big impact on their confidence and self-esteem. People commonly choose to have their teeth contoured to correct minor imperfections such as small gaps or crooked teeth or to improve the appearance of their smile after teeth whitening or other dental procedures.
Yes, orthodontists contour teeth. Orthodontists are specialists who work to improve the aesthetics and function of a person’s teeth, jaw, and smile. They do this by using a variety of techniques and treatments, including braces, retainers, and other types of orthodontic devices. One of the most commonly used techniques is dental contouring, which is the process of removing small amounts of tooth material to create the desired shape of the teeth. Contouring can be used to make a smile appear wider, to correct a chipped tooth, or to improve the alignment of the teeth.
Tooth contouring provides a number of remarkable advantages that not only benefit a person’s appearance but also the function of their teeth and jaw. These include:
• Improves Appearance by Altering the Shape or Size of Teeth — Dental contouring involves removing some tooth enamel to reshape or shorten the teeth, achieving a perfect and natural smile.
• Fixes Cracked, Chipped, Crooked, or Improperly Aligned Teeth — Contouring the teeth also allows the dentist to correct small issues, such as poor alignment, chips, or cracks.
• Improves Damage from Grinding Teeth — People with bruxism often suffer from dental damage; tooth contouring can improve damage from teeth grinding by smoothing out rough, uneven areas.
• Makes it Easier to Clean the Spaces Between Teeth — Tartar and plaque can easily build up when the teeth are misaligned or overlapped; dental contouring eliminates overlaps that could conceal dangerous germs or bacteria, making it easier to maintain good oral health.
• Only Requires One Appointment — Tooth reshaping is a quick, convenient process that only requires one dental appointment; there is no need to schedule follow-up appointments every few months as there is with many other cosmetic treatments.
• Reshapes Teeth in Less Than an Hour — Although the exact duration is dependent upon the unique circumstances and concerns of the patient, in most cases a tooth reshaping procedure takes about 30 minutes to an hour to perform.
• It Is a Painless Process — Because tooth enamel is made up entirely of minerals—with no blood vessels or nerves—the tooth contouring process is completely pain-free and can be performed without any anesthesia.
Yes, tooth contouring is permanent. During the procedure, dentists remove tooth enamel and reshape the teeth; the results are long-lasting and cannot be reversed. However, proper oral care is essential in order to prevent future enamel loss.
Call us today to book an appointment with our tooth contouring specialist, or visit one of our two Texas locations: we have one in Dallas, TX. We look forward to serving you! We serve patients from Dallas TX, Plano TX, Addison TX, Garland TX, Richardson TX, Carrollton TX, and BEYOND!
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