Beyond Dental & Implant Center provides comprehensive and specialized dental care. For more information, contact us or visit us online to book an appointment. We are conveniently located at 13655 Preston Rd Suite 100 Dallas, TX 75240.

Toothbrushes are not good forever. People may use them for some time, even when they shouldn’t. There is a reason that you should replace your toothbrush and guidelines for when this should be done. Our professionals provide this information to those that are interested in having quality dental care and taking the best care of their teeth.
The replacement of a toothbrush should be done no later than every three months. Switching the brush out within this time frame ensures that the mouth stays healthy and that bacteria doesn’t get re-introduced into the mouth. We also recommend throwing out the brush after you have been sick, or if you have had any oral issues in the past. This will reduce the chances of re-infecting yourself.
It is important that you take the best care of your mouth and by replacing your toothbrush, you can provide the cleanliness needed. A toothbrush cannot be completely cleaned, which is why replacing it is what we recommend.
Throw out the old toothbrush, purchase a new one, and brush with this for no more than three months. Two months or less can also be a timeline to follow, but this is something that is up to the individual person.
Your dental health is important to us and we want to provide you with a way to get the help needed to have the best, cleanest smile possible. Your toothbrush matters, make sure to switch it out.
Speak with our office regarding the best toothbrush to use for your particular dental health. You want to ensure that you are getting the smile you want, and we can help you along the way. Call us today to schedule a time to come in for a cleaning and to get a bit more information. We are here to help!