Partial Dentures Treatment in Dallas, TX
Beyond Dental & Implant Center offers partial dentures treatment for those who have lost a section of missing teeth. Contact us for more information or request an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 13655 Preston Rd Suite 100 Dallas, TX 75240.
Table of Contents:
What are partial dentures?
How do I get used to my new dentures?
Do partial dentures require special care?
A modern solution to partial dentures
Losing several consecutive teeth can occur for many reasons, including periodontal disease, facial trauma, and severe tooth decay. No matter how you lose your teeth, you are then faced with serious consequences. One of the most obvious effects of tooth loss is what happens to the quality of your smile. Eating becomes more challenging, as does speaking. Healthy teeth shift out of alignment and throw off your bite. Beyond Dental and Implant Center can replace those missing teeth with a partial denture.
When most people think of dentures, they typically think of full, or complete dentures. These types of dentures are used to replace an entire arch of teeth. Typically, if there are unhealthy teeth remaining in the arch, these teeth are extracted and then the denture is made. However, if you are missing a section of teeth and the rest of the teeth in the arch are completely healthy, there is no need to extract these teeth. For situations like these, we can provide a partial denture.
A partial denture is a removable prosthesis that is made to replace a section of missing teeth. Much like a denture, it consists of replacement teeth set into a rigid base. The base sits directly on your gums, using the soft tissue for support. These dentures also have metal clasps, which attach to your healthy teeth, to provide additional support.
It does take some time to get acclimated to your new dentures. Fortunately, there are things that you can do to expedite the process. One thing is to stick to soft foods in the very beginning. Avoid anything hard, crunchy, chewy, or sticky. When you chew, distribute food evenly on both sides of your mouth to even out bite pressures. You may also notice that your speech sounds funny at first. Practice will help you to get used to talking with your new denture. Over time, your new denture will begin to feel more natural.
Much like a full denture, a partial denture does require nightly care. Every night, it should be removed to be thoroughly cleaned. Brush your denture with a soft-bristled toothbrush and either denture paste or soap and water. Make sure to clean the entire restoration, including around the metal clasps. When you have finished, set your denture to soak in water or denture cleaning solution overnight. Brush and floss your healthy teeth and gently brush your gums as well.
While partial dentures have come a long way over the years, they still have their downsides. In addition to requiring special nightly care, they need to be replaced every few years. We can also provide you with a more long-term, even permanent, solution to tooth loss with dental implants. An implant-supported bridge can be used to replace a section of missing teeth instead of a traditional partial denture. Your replacement teeth are supported by titanium posts inserted into your jaw rather than your gums. Implants look, feel, and function just like your natural teeth. They provide greater comfort, they can be cared for just like your real teeth, and they are not removable. If you are looking for a more permanent solution to your missing teeth, an implant-supported denture may be the right choice for you.
Partial dentures provide you with a replacement for a section of missing teeth, restoring the functions of those missing teeth, your smile, and your quality of life. For more information, and to find out if partial dentures are right for you, call Beyond Dental and Implant Center today. We serve patients from Dallas TX, Plano TX, Addison TX, Garland TX, Richardson TX, Carrollton TX, and BEYOND!

Additional Services You May Need
▸ Dental Implant
▸ Cosmetic Dentistry
▸ Restorative Dentistry
▸ Orthodontics
▸ Family Dentistry
▸ Smile Makeovers
▸ Clear Braces
▸ Sleep Apnea Treatment
▸ Tongue Tie Surgery
▸ Neuromuscular Orthodontics
▸ All-On-4 Treatment Concept
▸ Lip Tie Surgery
▸ Zygomatic Implants
▸ Pterygoid Implants
▸ Neuromuscular Dentistry
▸ Gum Graft Treatment
▸ Wisdom Teeth Removal