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How Do You Diagnose TMJ Disorder?

How Do You Diagnose TMJ Disorder?

TMJ disorder is diagnosed through a comprehensive evaluation of your symptoms, medical history, and physical examination. Dr. Cory Nguyen, DDS, at Beyond Dental and Implant Center considers factors such as jaw pain, headaches, or difficulty moving the jaw to assess the presence of the condition. A diagnosis allows for a targeted approach to manage symptoms and improve jaw function. Contact us today for more information or schedule an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 13655 Preston Rd Suite 100 Dallas, TX 75240.

How Do You Diagnose TMJ Disorder Near me in Dallas, TX
How Do You Diagnose TMJ Disorder Near me in Dallas, TX

Table of Contents:

How do you diagnose TMJ disorder?
Do home remedies work for TMJ pain?
What can I expect from a TMJ consultation?
What happens if TMJ is not treated?

TMJ pain can make life more difficult. Fortunately, many treatments are available to help you relieve your pain if you are struggling with this. There are natural ways of dealing with pain, medications, and other methods, as well.

Beyond Dental & Implant Center can help you with the treatment of TMJ. We have a dedicated dental staff to help you understand and treat this pain problem.

How do you diagnose TMJ disorder?

To diagnose TMJ, a doctor or dentist will talk to you about your symptoms and examine your jaw. They will likely:

• Feel your jaw when you open and close it.
• Listen for any sound that may come when you open and close your mouth.
• Check your jaw for a range of motion.
• Press on areas that normally are painful for a person dealing with TMJ to see if there is pain or discomfort.

If your dentist or doctor suspects a problem, you might need:

• Dental X-rays to examine your jaw and teeth.
• CT scan to get detailed images of the jaw joint.
• MRI may be done to examine soft tissues and the joint’s disc for problems.
A TMJ arthroscopy may be done to diagnose a TMJ disorder. During the arthroscopy, a small thin tube is inserted into the joint space, allowing a small camera to view the area. This can further help in a diagnosis.

Do home remedies work for TMJ pain?

There are a few lifestyle changes and active actions you can take to treat TMJ at home. These can ease the pain and help to put less stress on the jaw joint to decrease future pain. These include:

Eat soft foods – soft food are easier on your jaw because you need to chew less. Less pressure and stress on the jaw joint keep inflammation down.
• Stress management will help – stress is a major factor in TMJ pain. When you are stressed, you will tend to clench your jaw.
Wear a bite guard – this can prevent grinding of the teeth and reduce the pressure in the jaw joint.
• Limit jaw movements – this is especially important for extreme jaw movements.
• Acupuncture or massage helps – These can relieve the pain from TMJ. Massaging your jaw joint during the day helps to keep the muscles loose and inflammation down.
• Use heat and cold – alternating between heat and cold can reduce the pain and inflammation that comes with TMJ.

What can I expect from a TMJ consultation?

The TMJ consultation will be about determining whether you have TMJ and to what extent. It can also be a starting point for determining what course of treatment may work best. This appointment will include:

• Questions about your health history. This helps to determine if there are pre-existing conditions or medications that can cause the pain.
• Questions about your symptoms are important to get a full understanding of what may be the problem. The more the specialist knows the better course of treatment they can recommend.
• A physical evaluation that examines the jaw, head, and neck along with jaw alignment is important to understand.
• X-rays and impressions are often included in the consultation. This is to check on alignment and other issues related to TMJ.

What happens if TMJ is not treated?

TMJ that is left untreated can create many issues in your daily life. Problems include:

• Chronic jaw pain
• Recurring headaches and migraines
• Jaw joint damage
• Sleep disorders, including insomnia and sleep apnea
• Decreased quality of life caused by pain
• Deteriorating dental health caused by grinding and clenching of your teeth
• Tinnitus

Beyond Dental & Implant Center provides high-quality dental care that is whole-body, and airway-focused. Dr. Cory Nguyen is double board certified to work with dental implants, and sleep dentistry and can help you find the right course of action for TMJ. Call to make an appointment and find out how we can help. We serve patients from Dallas TX, Plano TX, Addison TX, Garland TX, Richardson TX, Carrollton TX, and BEYOND!.